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Home UPS

Home UPS

We Paramount Corporation are renowned Home UPS Manufacturers, Suppliers, Providers, Wholesalers, Authorized Dealers and Traders. We are known as Home UPS Manufacturers, Suppliers, Providers, Wholesalers, Authorized Dealers, and Traders at Paramount Corporation. The UPS's primary job is to store electricity, whereas the inverter transforms AC power to DC power. A UPS allows a computer and its related equipment to shut down in a safe and orderly manner. The UPS uses a rectifier to convert AC power to DC, and then uses an inverter to convert DC power back to AC power. It also safeguards the system from power spikes. When the UPS detects a power loss from the main supply, it activates a battery that contacts the power supply of the devices. The inverter, battery, and controller make up the circuit.

Because their input is independent of the output supply, the UPS does not have voltage fluctuation, but the inverter does. The UPS provides instantaneous and stable power backup to the appliances. Furthermore, the inverter serves as a conduit between the primary power source and the battery. Software Control with Closed Loop Auto Sensing (ASSC) Smart Battery Charging Technology for longer battery life, as well as a health monitoring indicator (LED) on the UPS bezel that reads "UPS OK." Our clientele in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane benefit from our high-quality products.

Home UPS

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