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Online UPS

Online UPS

We Paramount Corporation are offering a wide range of Online UPS in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane. Blackouts, surges, sags, spikes, transients, noise, and brownouts are all protected by a well-designed online UPS. These UPSs feature far more complicated designs than off-line or hybrid UPSs, as well as a greater price, weight, and volume. In locations with sensitive equipment or surroundings, online UPS systems are commonly employed. This type of UPS ensures complete independence between the amplitude and frequency of the input and output voltages. As a result, a high quality output voltage may be achieved. We are manufacturers, suppliers, providers, wholesalers, authorised dealers, and traders of online UPS.

An online UPS consists of a rectifier-battery charger, an inverter, and control circuitry. The AC electricity is converted to DC by the rectifier device. The battery charger charges the batteries while the AC is present, and the rectifier gives regulated DC power to the inverter. The inverter inverts the DC to AC with the aid of the control circuitry. The first and most important stage is to determine the online UPS's needed capacity. You'll need to know the linked equipment's electrical load for this. They also safeguard mission-critical programmes and equipment from downtime, data loss, corruption, and power outages, all of which stifle production and damage equipment. Our UPS models all include Smart Charge and Intelligent Continuous Charging Technology, which are all included in our UPS models, assuring extended battery life and faster charging.

Online UPS

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